Thursday 29 December 2011

Behind the scenes

Photoshoot 17th December. A beautiful and very freezing afternoon with
Eva Aaby, Anne Norge and Nicolai Hadchity.

Frosty frosty

Saturday 17 December 2011

Passion for Fashion #4

Today Anne Norge, Eva Aaby and I went out to photograph our final dresses from the fashion workshop at Krabbesholm in October. Photographer: Nicolai Hadchity.

Friday 16 December 2011


I liked this poster from our Reykjavik project alot. It's called "Eldurhydrant" which means fire hydrant and it's made by my friend Sverre Brand.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Seeing the World through Icelandic Eyes

Since my trip to Iceland in October, I've been thinking about doing a project about Reykjavik. Yesterday I started brainstorming and I found that there's one outstanding thing that really fascinates me about the creative Icelandic people: Their desire to take initiative and the way they look at the world, seeing possibilities instead of limitations. I've decided to create three posters where I'm reflecting on these themes. I hope other people can be inspired the way as I did by trying to see the world through Icelandic eyes.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Bodoni Pattern

Tonight I created these patterns only using the letter "g". I really like the way you can use typography in a new and unexpected way.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Previous projects #3

Right now I'm working on my portfolio, adding all the projects I've done at Krabbesholm. This Poster was the first thing I did:)

Sunday 4 December 2011

Dear Deer

Today I've designed this pattern. I think I'm gonna use it for wrapping up christmas presents:)

Friday 2 December 2011

"Thank God, it's christmas"

Here's the last poster I did at the workshop about war. The photograph was taken during the vietnam war, where American soldiers dressed as Santa Claus gave away presents to the South Vietnamese children.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Manipulated Minds

Another poster I did at the workshop about manipulation through posters.

Happy Xmas (War is over?)

This week at Krabbesholm everybody's working with the theme war. Today I've created a poster where I reflect upon the case, concerning a Danish soldier who's accused of killing a civilian in Afghanistan. He commented the case saying that he thought the man was placing roadside bombs.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Poster Machine

Two people, representing "Rasmus Koch Studio", are visiting Krabbesholm this week to be guest teachers at graphic design. The assignment is to create a machine that in the end should be able to produce 4 different posters. My workmate, Ditte, and I got the word "push" to be inspired by. The photos below show some experiments we did today.

Final poster

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Monday 14 November 2011

Folding Chess


Great drawing made by my friend Asbjørn Vind Stærke:

Sunday 13 November 2011

Gorgeous dress, designer: Anne Norge

Passion for Fashion #3

Here's some more photos from the fashion week at Krabbesholm. This week I'm gonna take some photos of the final dresses and share some pictures from the fashion show:)

Fold Fold Fold

Today I'm testing some folding techniques for the poster. Here's some photos:)

Exhibition at "Helvitikat"

The new project I'm working on is a poster for the exhibition "Book-Book" in Copenhagen on this friday, 18th November, with the other students from Krabbesholm.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Passion for Fashion #2

One of the best things about working at Krabbesholm is the creative environment. Here's some pictures from the atelier.

Passion for Fashion #1

The past week I've been very busy working on a new dress inspired by a piano piece by the French composer Erik Satie. It's still "a work in progress", but below there's some pictures of my sketches and experiments.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Previous projects #2

Here's an illustration I made for a short story called "Syltede Figner" in English "Candied Figs". It's a humoristic story about a priest, who plants a fig tree, which turns out not to be an ordinary tree, but a very special divine fig tree that slowly extends into the sky.